Featuring Jazzbo, the no-man band.
Third time was the charm for us Guys' Nighters to check out the Mudbug Mondays special at Jazz -- our attempts to go in May and June had both suffered from last minute changes of venue. But we finally made it, and man, was it adequate.
Mudbug Mondays is two pounds of crawfish and two domestic draft beers for $11.99. That sounded especially awesome considering that two beers alone will set you back around $8 to begin with. Of course, those two pounds of crawfish actually only nets out to roughly an 1/8 pound of food. It’s a lot of work for little meat, even if what you do get is pretty delicious.
This was the first time I'd had crawfish in 15 years, so Robert had to show us how to twist the tail off to get to the good part. I also tried to break apart the claws to see if there was anything in there, and somehow managed to puncture my thumb on one of the spiky parts. Curse you, tiny lobster and your revenge from the grave.

We were bummed to find out that Jazzbo, the one-man band who usually plays on Mondays, had this week off for whatever reason. Maybe that would have really put the polish on Jazz tonight. Because nothing completes a mudbug slaughter better than a guy who looks like Santa Claus singlehandedly kicking out the Dixieland jams.

1823 West 39th Street | Kansas City, MO 64111